
Showing posts from April, 2019

Project 3 Process

For my project, I am animating a small bit of a comedy special with comedian Chris Rock. So far I've added the crying laughing emoji to the audience members faces. And I'm currently working on animating the tears. This is the screen recording of my process.  Rida Akram Project 3 Animation 193

Sita Sings the Blues

What I liked about this scene was the backdrop/background of trees - the trees show depth in this scene and how it was used as a prop for the characters. Also, the characters movements and motion was spot on. The arc usage for the characters in their movements was great. What I admired about this scene were the camera angles and the transitioning between scenes. The transitions in and out of scenes were so smooth and the camera panning was really good too. What I liked about this scene was the attention to detail to something considered so minute to the whole video was the butterfly. How it came into the scene and landed on her hand. Just how it truly depicted the motion of an actual butterfly and how the camera zooms in and out on it; Showing it how close it is then far.